Artifacts Museum
At our artifact museum you’ll be able to find various tools and equipment that was surely considered state of the art in technology at one point in history.

Pioneer House
Our Pioneer House was the pioneer home of the John Deynaka family donated by Don Strause and it is now a virtual time machine allowing one to discover what life was like for some almost a century ago.
Machines & Machinery
The 1st of July is an opportunity for the public to experience history and a sense of community. It will continue for generations to come, as it is a piece of High Prairie’s history. The collection have all sizes of tractors, from a John Deere to the whistle-blowing 1914 Case steam engine.

Blacksmith Shop
In addition to making horse shoes, a village’s Blacksmith would have created in whole or parts of utensils, various tools and weapons, and wagon works.
Flour Mill & Saw Mill
Our flour mill, just like our saw mill, is fully operational and is demonstrated every 1st of July. Also, the whole wheat flour made using our mill is available for purchase during our Canada day celebration.

The Church at our site is truly a historical building. It represents the coming together of the community; it was built thanks to many donations: land, lumber, and teams of horses were borrowed.