Our Mission

Pioneer Threshermans Association was established in 1962 in High Prairie, AB.

We are dedicated to preserving & presenting our historical culture for future generation.

This website, will showcase our museum, provide a guideline to all our activities and give you a taste of nostalgia.

We would love to welcome you and your family!

Area Questionaire

Your feedback is important to us, and we’d love to have the opportunity to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

Upcoming Events

Kenny Shaw Comedy Show

A multi-talented comedian from Canada’s West Coast, Kenny enjoys a well deserved reputation for drawing his audiences into a wacky world of high-powered comedy and music, innovative skits and hilarious one-liners. 

Get your tickets for April 12, 2025. A great night out!! Bring your friends and family for delicious food and a very good show. You can buy them in High Prairie at NAPA, UFA and the HP Liquor store. 

If you are from out of town we can make arrangements to get you your tickets for your perfect night out. Please call or text 780-291-0112.

Music Jamboree

From September to May on the 3rd Saturday of every month, 1 pm – 5 pm we hold a music Jamboree at the Triangle hall.

For more info contact

Roger Kemp
Phone: 780 523 5367

News & Activities

Volunteers needed

March, 2024

Watch the new video of the Pioneer Threshermans Association and enjoy all the events & activities we are organizing! We need volunteers to keep up with this.

Donating your time, and enthusiasm as a member, will help keep the Association connected to new people in the community.

If you like to become a volunteer please contact us.

Rock"n Roll Country Comedy Show

April, 2024

Thank you Richard and Deborah Popovich for the great show at our Dinner Theater.

Harvest Festival

September, 2023

The Triangle Harvest Festival was a huge succes. Thank you to all the volunteers, vendors and visitors to make it a wonderful day!

Making bundles for threshing

September, 2022

The Triangle crew is making bundles for the Threshing demonstration  at the Fall Harvest Festival.

In the News paper

July 2022

Dozens of bands made the trip from all over northern Alberta and British Columbia to play at the Hoedown Jamboree at Triangle July 21-23.

Mainly country music was played to the delight of hundreds attending.

Read more>>

Serving Breakfast Gunshow

May 2022

Pioneer Threshermans association was serving breakfast for all the vendors at the Gun show May 14+15, 2022

Christmas Party 2021

December 2021

Triangle had a small Christmas party.
Santa came and dropped off a goodie bag and a Piñata for the kids.


Monthly Meeting

Our monthly meeting will be every 1st Monday of the Month at 7:30pm in the Triangle Hall.
Please join us!


Help keep our local heritage alive for future generations to enjoy. Membership to our association is just $5.- per person. For more information, call (780) 523 7266 or e-mail: info@trianglehall.com

Music Jamboree

From October to May on the 3rd Saturday of every month 7:00 p.m-11:00 p.m we hold a music Jamboree at the Triangle hall. 

More than just a museum…

We have a long and rich history, starting in 1962 a group of people decided to focus their efforts on collecting old steam machines. This dedicated group gathered up so much antique equipment, that they needed a new location to store it all.

Land was donated to them at Triangle corner, and from this humble starting point they created the museum where other people could come and view this equipment and work together in restoring these pieces back to running order.

The association is the proud owner of a 1914 Case steam engine, not only is it rare to see, it has been fully restored to running condition. This is one of only two left in Western Canada.

Love antique machinery?

So come see what we are all about

Since 1962

We have provided a community meeting place for 50 years, have celebrated Canada Day together for decades and danced together at the monthly jamborees. We hold regular flea markets, community suppers and entertain a number of other activities at this historic location. The facility is available for private functions and events.

Some of our museum artifacts are displayed on this website, however you will need to stop by and see the historic buildings, our church and extraordinary collection of antique farm equipment at our museum.